Saturday, October 27, 2012

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The chapel is still Lengyu Ye distribution of faint light and heat, the tall knight hidden in the four weeks, they are bathed in Autumn, hands leaning on the sword, his eyes showed indifferent look, perhaps ... accustomed to praise love bright God will bless is a tragedy just a combination of a couple! ...... Hero-beauty, since ancient times down the legend!
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The autumn wind driven waves of grain, wrapped in the darkness the bath cold rain of waves layers, continue to extend castle direction from the direction of the wilderness far. Titan Warriors in waves of grain in the drift, they quietly, careful with the ups and downs of the waves close to the target.
A warrior Germany, Italy and Sri Lanka in the castle wall stood still, he was not sure what they saw things, when he will single-handedly guard in front of an attempt to see more carefully when the arrows have hit his neck bone.
High slope of the north side of the castle suddenly Jumping a flash! This light is rapidly disappearing in the rain in a great hook the cable tightly cling City head! Sudden sound of metal caused a warrior Germany, Italy and Sri Lanka Note He immediately rushed to the site of the incident, steel hooks and thick cables are still quivering, already deeply embedded hooks fortress of stone. warriors look to the dark of the night along the hook cable cable, where in addition to a dim Rainwater will have nothing!
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Saturday, October 20, 2012

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Friday, October 12, 2012

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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

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