Tuesday, December 25, 2012

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Baby, stay one o'clock Alas! That the shells do not have eyes, resigned it British!
Put! One artillery positions on the gunner forced to play under the flag of the hands. Resounding earth-shattering roar of cannon, shook a few miles outside the snow-capped mountains, a field of small-scale avalanche shelling situation hair shells fall Gala fortress on the size of the fortifications, two howitzer shelling course than 155 captured the king, 105mm caliber howitzer a lot of small, but the long barrel charge gives low stretch ballistic, almost direct way, plus the delay armor-piercing blast bombs, armor-piercing incendiary bombs, shrapnel shells species used in conjunction with the current target of a precisely destroy artillery playing temper off his shirt Guangzhuobangzi intensely busy, they actually know nothing more than the arsenal of ammunition factory in Chengdu big test!
Model for a stone fortress Block H spread out from the middle, in front of the armor-piercing blast bombs, these are not solid fortifications entirely shabby one fortifications intense burning, mixed with magnesium aluminum powder Amand take charge, coming in temperatures up to 3000 degrees Celsius on the British position, all things can be burned to ashes. shrapnel then Beng flying of prefabricated fragments and bullets, and the hundreds of thousands of small steel balls scored flesh and blood of the body, devouring the lives of officers and men of the British army of the local brigade.
Causal loop ah! Since 1840, has been the British in the wantonly ravaged the dignity of the Chinese people with advanced weapons, since the prevalence of Buddhism in Tibet Plateau, the Buddha doctrine of karma in declaring vent long accumulation in the long jump reincarnation of his old body and purity of grievances
British artillery returned fire destroyed mere Gala fortress the Chinese artillery turns hit almost every inch of land on the surface have endured over the bombing.
British forces suffered heavy casualties, more than one group of troops huddled in a small geographical this scale shelling, what consequences? White flag, not! White pants in the emergence of even the British army elite local brigade never had such a horrible experience! deafening explosion, strong shock wave and the wailing shrapnel, sparks and four Zhilie littered with broken limbs broken body. these have been enough to destroy people strong nerves, from the strong fortress, one exploded spend, the British finally lost the last hope and courage to resist. was able to drag the British officers and men for half an hour uninterrupted shelling, and has enough loyalty to their country
The four brigade of infantry walking into Gala's Canqiang Duanbi, pulled out from a pile of stones, shells and stunning Mr. McMahon Brigadier, Fortunately, this gentleman just 被震 halo.
British troops in a brigade, a regiment of three battalions as the main force rapidly southward, straight to Parry cases with Zedeng, troops will annihilate the British army two groups. Fierce fighting, knowing hopeless indiscriminately fired several shots wisely chose to surrender. Zedeng then was appointed to a regiment, led his troops south East Asia
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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

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Why not taking advantage Swinger Hill I Donglai northwest six counties of the Yellow Turban bandits. official unaware and reaction on it? Are the officials of the world like the general incompetence this Huangxian Magistrate? single view our Muping, how could detect less than Huangjin culprits transaction,north face pink ribbon jacket? Otherwise my Father stood good Sanyo prefect improper, idle at home doing? Liu Yao said his father, Liu Fang, has been given the rank of Sanyo prefect.
No wonder big burst own home master Liu Fang, but so unruffled original Liu clan has long been aware of, but the hearts of the doubt more: strangling one by one. safety and the chaos of today? Liu Yao Lengheng heard, said: drop Greenwood, the ZTE hanwu dominance how killing other decisions, but unfortunately they did there is no way to get those non surnamed Liu despotic landlord, these despots, though not my royal clan, but the annexation of land numerous large local power the same way as I surnamed Liu children, their farm laborers, domestic helpers households, but in reality is a private army. Zhang Ying a pair of clear understanding of the look,north face on sale, because Liu Yao family situation is also true. Otherwise, the face of the Yellow Turban army Liu Yao how can so many troops. Liu Yao is now Yellow Turban army to go to war, while other family surnamed Liu The children also Qingzhou other counties commence action, brother of Liu Yao, Liu Dai Chang Yang siege including Wendeng, the Rongcheng generation Huangjin Army.
Liu Yao continued: ? current emperor's pet eunuch eunuch can be arbitrarily good at killing the minister, get courtiers chilling, because of successive years of natural disasters, Huangjin peak from the ruling and opposition parties turmoil at this time is, these despots will surely rose up and seek greater powers! Zhang Ying suddenly said: Liu Yao nodded and sighed: Moran, Zhang Ying Liu Yao looked at like Zhang Ying a pair of helpless, not help to smile, Xuanyou coldly: all over the world, the strength is strong, how could be afraid of these gangsters generation, and the vast majority of local officials have yearned for the court, as long as the end of the Yellow Turban Rebellion on the court to wipe out the Yellow Turban army led troops must often taking advantage of the elimination of 12 paternity, eunuchs dictatorship, I Tahan more politically, to pack a few not opening the eyes of the Nobles tyrannical not Shoudaoqinlai this? The Zhang Ying beside much admiration.
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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

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